JavaScript Classes & Methods Homework
The JavaScript Classes & Methods Homework assignment for the JavaScript Fundamentals course.
Classes & Methods Homework
As you read through this, notice the new content introduced. We encourage you to do your own research (this can be Google, ChatGPT, documentation, etc.). Here, we introduce the _
property (memory safety), extends
keyword, and super()
To complete the homework, implement the TODO:
comments. The example usage should guide you and work if all implementation is done correctly. Have fun!
If anything simply cannot go wrong, it will anyway.
class Aircraft {
// Constructor
constructor(model, capacity, range) {
this._model = model;
this._capacity = capacity;
this._range = range;
// Getter for model
get model() {
return this._model;
// Setter for model
set model(newModel) {
this._model = newModel;
// Getter for capacity
get capacity() {
return this._capacity;
// Setter for capacity
set capacity(newCapacity) {
this._capacity = newCapacity;
// Getter for range
get range() {
return this._range;
// Setter for range
set range(newRange) {
this._range = newRange;
// Method to display aircraft details
displayDetails() {
return "Your plane is " + this._model + ", has a capacity of " + this._capacity + " and a range of " + this._range;
// Static method to compare range
static compareRange(aircraft1, aircraft2) {
return aircraft1.range - aircraft2.range;
// Example usage
let boeing = new Aircraft('Boeing 747', 416, 13800);
let airbus = new Aircraft('Airbus A380', 853, 15700);
console.log(`Range difference: ${Aircraft.compareRange(boeing, airbus)} km`);
class FighterJet extends Aircraft {
constructor(model, capacity, range, speed) {
super(model, capacity, range); // We call the parent class constructor with super
this._speed = speed;
// TODO: Getter for speed
get speed(){
return this._speed;
// Remember to use the _speed property for memory safety
// TODO: Setter for speed
set speed(newSpeed){
this._speed = newSpeed;
// Remember to use the _speed property and add a function paramater.
// TODO: Method to display fighter jet details (model, capacity, range, speed)
super.displayDetails() + ". It also has a speed of " + this.speed;
// Example usage
let f16 = new FighterJet('F-16', 1, 4220, 2400);
let f22 = new FighterJet('F-22', 1, 2960, 2410);
console.log(`Range difference: ${Aircraft.compareRange(f16, f22)} km`);
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which a procedure can go wrong, and circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop.
You have no purpose because you fear to seek one. That fear is your failure. Your fear brings you pain. We know pain. Our purpose is its end.