Problem 1: Basic Arithmetic

Define two variables, a and b, with values of your choice. Compute the following operations and log each result to the console:

  1. Sum of a and b
  2. Difference of a and b
  3. Product of a and b
  4. Quotient of a divided by b

Console.log code

console.log(“Sum:”, a + b);
console.log(“Difference:”, a - b);
console.log(“Product:”, a * b);
console.log(“Quotient:”, a / b);

   let a = 5;
    let b = 5;
    console.log("Sum:", a+b);
    console.log("Difference", a-b);
    console.log("Product", a*b);
    console.log("Quotient:", a/b);
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Problem 2: Modulus Operator

Define two numbers, num1 and num2. Use the modulus operator % to find the remainder when num1 is divided by num2. Log the result to the console.


  1. Define a variable num1 (the dividend).
  2. Define a variable num2 (the divisor).
  3. Use the modulus operator num1 % num2 to calculate the remainder.
  4. Log the result to the console using console.log().

console.log code


    num1 = 50;
    num2 = 10;
    console.log(num1 % num2);
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>

Problem 3: Increment and Decrement

Define a variable count and set it to an initial value. Increment and then decrement the variable in two different ways:

  1. Using the ++ and -- operators.
  2. Using the += and -= operators. Log the result after each operation.


  3. Define a variable count and assign it an initial value (e.g., 10).
  4. Use ++ to increment the variable by 1 and log the result.
  5. Use -- to decrement the variable by 1 and log the result.
  6. Use += to increment the variable by a specific value and log the result.
  7. Use -= to decrement the variable by a specific value and log the result.
  8. Log result 3 times (Use these operations to increment/decremnt your number atleast 3 times)


    ```javascript let count = 10; console.log(“Initial Count:”, count); // Output: 10 // Increment using ++ count++;

   let count = 15;
    console.log("Initial Count:", count);  
    console.log("Count + 1", count);
    console.log("Count + 2", count);
    console.log("Count + 3", count);
<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>